
Northern Illinois University 2023
University Club of Chicago Exhibition
In this timely exhibition, Howard’s work address the stigmas and societal constraints placed on African American men and women. Rich with symbolism and layered social references, Howard’s work speaks to the legacy of activism, the current national news and social conflicts, and the individuals living their everyday lives.
Jesse Howard speaks about his large scale paintings and drawings of the urban disenfranchised. His recent group of powerful charcoal drawings are taken from images of the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, and raise questions about systemic racism and equity.
Bridgeport Art Center Exhibition 2016
Male artist of color reflects on today’s urban experience. A collection of provocative art works that address some of the greatest problems facing our society, including unemployment, homelessness, youth incarceration and gun violence.
60th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art
Jesse Howard’s impressively grave charcoal portrait, “Observer with Spex,” finds a common ground between the attenuated figuration of Albert Giacometti, the tight cropping of Chuck Close and Expressionistic distortions of Francis Bacon.
The work of Jesse Howard is visceral. His portraits are larger than life testimonies to the character of the people he draws. Working in a wet charcoal method that is part painting and part drawing, his work bears multiple thought signatures that bring out the complexion and complexity of the people he portrays.